Posts filed under Sidecars

Sidecars in Motion - What's the Attraction?

Riding a sidecar outfit is completely different from riding on two wheels, you could say like riding a horse of a different color. And some riders either love riding with a sidecar or simply find that it just suits their needs. Perhaps age, disability, visibility, pets, storage or stability are some of the reasons that come in to play when choosing to ride with a sidecar. And although many of us may never choose to give up two wheels, aren’t you just a little bit curious as to what it would be like to ride a sidecar outfit? How would you know until you try it? To find out more we talked with renowned motorcycle safety instructor David Hough, Jay from DMC Sidecars and Lee Coltharp who is the South Central Regional Director of the United Sidecar Association.

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Pulled, Pushed and Towed - From Germany to New York on Ural Motorcycles

Five young artists decided to take their studios on the road for an expedition - on four Ural Sidecars - from Germany, through Russia and to New York. Their trip included “armies of mosquitos and mountains of bureaucracy”, riding on the Road of Bones and building amphibious motorcycles. They had an incredible 972 breakdowns, which culminated in meeting some strange characters who helped them continue their adventure, but only until the next breakdown.

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Motorcycle Grip Strength: Rider Skills | This Year on Adventure Rider Radio

Having a strong grip is an important part of motorcycle riding to ensure you have proper control when it comes to the front brake, clutch and throttle. Bret Tkacs explains how to maintain your hand strength in the off season and how it affects your riding. We also look back on ARR episodes from the past year, finding inspiration, education and laughter, as we wind down Season 4 of Adventure Rider Radio.

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The Motorcycle School of Life: David & Emy Woodburn

In the 1990's, David and Emy Woodburn traveled for almost a decade with their young daughter Mattea, in a motorcycle and sidecar outfit. They lived on the road, and the experiences they had were unlike anything the average family has, including homeschooling while travelling and growing up in many different cultures. 

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How Goals Can Help You Overcome the Odds: Motorcycle Coach Ramey Stroud

Ramey "Coach" Stroud's story is one of perseverance and goals. When a spinal injury left him paralyzed from the chest down, he didn't get his house ready to deal with his handicap for the rest of his life, he learned to walk and ride a motorcycle again. A story where the impossible becomes the possible.

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Motorcycle Pannier Kitchens: Tips for Camp Cooking on the Road

Camp meals should be more than just hot dogs and granola. This episode we talk to long time motorcycle travellers, Lisa & Simon Thomas, about their new book Dirty Dining and Ara Gureghian, a five star chef who's been living off his motorcycle for over a decade. They give some valuable tips on camp cooking especially when space and supplies are limited.

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Motorcycle Sidecars: Your Next Adventure? | Rider Skills: Gravel Roads

Driving A Sidecar Outfit: David L. Hough

David Hough is the author of Driving A Sidecar Outfit, a text book published by the Sidecar Safety Program in 1997. He's also the director of the Sidecar Safety Program, which offers a Sidecar driving training program. David talks with Jim about learning how to ride a motorcycle with a sidecar and what's involved.

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In It For the Long Haul: Motorcycle Travel & Secrets of Lasting Relationships

According to a travel survey, couples who travel together have better relationships than those who don't. In this episode, three couples share their thoughts on what makes their relationship work while on the road. And we also talk to a couple who rode from Alaska to Ushuaia on a quest to find out what was the secret behind couples who remained married or partnered for a long time. They talk about their experiences with the Ural, the people they met and what they learned about relationships.

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How Connections Make the Best Motorcycle Adventure Stories

Sharing stories about connections and kindness through their motorcycle travel experiences, Sam Manicom, Todd Blubaugh and Leon Logothetis tell some inspiring, feel good anecdotes that make us realize how important it is to reach out to people wherever you go. Both for what you receive and for what you give. 

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Motorcycle Riding Dogs & Is It the End of the 650 Single Cylinder?

Who doesn’t love their furry friend going everywhere with them? You take them in your vehicle, on hikes, for walks, they sleep in your bed (don’t deny it), and for many, they are simply one of your best friends, even like family. 

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