Posts filed under Adventure Bike

Long Distance Riding at 75

When 62 year old Don Nelson from Colorado walked into a motorcycle dealership for a casual look around, little did he know what was about to happen. After the salesman offered for him to test ride a bike, Don found himself making an impulsive decision—he bought a Triumph Bonneville on the spot. Despite not having ridden a motorcycle in over 40 years, he rediscovered his passion for riding and felt immediately at ease on the bike. Now, over a decade later at the age of 75, Don prefers to travel solo, riding long distances from his home to Alaska, coast-to-coast across the United States, and to the Rocky Mountains in Canada. For Don, age is just a number as he continues to embrace the freedom and excitement that motorcycling brings.

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Leaving The Motorcycles Behind - Tom Medema

Why would anyone ride a motorcycle to an exotic location in a faraway place and then just leave the bike behind? To date, there are about 175 riders who have done just that. They’ve ridden these motorcycles on epic motorcycle adventures in which they traverse sand, mud, tough ground, through streams and even over mountains to deliver the motorcycles to park rangers working in underfunded areas. The ceremonial hand-off of the new motorcycle from the adventure rider philanthropist to park ranger is an emotional affair that is so powerful that it draws some of these riders back, year after year. And the great thing about it is that you could be going next.

Posted on February 23, 2023 and filed under Group Riding, Charity, Adventure Bike, Adventure.

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No Bike, No License, No Gear - Taking the Leap to do a Motorcycle Adventure

Matt Shields and his fiancé, Lucie, wanted to do an adventure and they decided the mode of transportation would be a motorcycle. And although they had no bike, no license and no gear they decided to take the leap and put their idea in to motion. They left the UK in May and have recently arrived in Kenya, and after six months and 20,000 km they are now halfway through their adventure. They’ve learned as they went and have had some fantastical experiences on what they call a ‘wild ride’. Matt and Lucie are a testament to the thought process that we can do anything if we set our minds to it.

Posted on November 10, 2022 and filed under Africa, Two Up, 2 Up, Adventure Bike, Women Motorcycle Riders.

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How Dare They Shoot At Me - Riding By The Seat Of My Pants - Richard Georgiou

Richard Georgiou likes to pack his bike sparsely and ride off into the sunset with only some basic information about where he’s going and what to expect when he gets there. He let’s adventure unfold around him, often shooting from the hip. It’s not always comfortable but that’s the way he likes to ride. And sometimes that does get him in to trouble, like the time when he was lost on a motorcycle trip and approached a road block stocked with armed men. Unable to figure out what was going on Richard decided to hunker down and crack the throttle and… well, let’s just say that adventure has a way of finding Richard Georgiou.

Posted on July 15, 2021 and filed under Solo Travel, Travel, Adventure, Adventure Bike.

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Cure the Wanderlust - Geoff Keys

Some of us are born with it, some of us develop it and some of us are just sideswiped by it - it’s something called wanderlust. Geoff Keys had ambitions to travel the world for a long time. Further inspired by adventure travel books and moto documentaries, he decided to follow his dream to tour the world and naturally the mode of transport was motorcycle. As Geoff shared with us, his “reason for travelling is simply to scratch the itch, cure the wanderlust, see what there is to be seen and meet the people with whom I share the planet”. With a pure attitude, leaving all inhibitions behind, Geoff has faced some challenges and met many people along the way, and even made headlines when he was lost in the Australian outback for two days.

Posted on April 22, 2021 and filed under Adventure, Adventure Bike, World Rider, Travel.

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Harley-Davidson Pan America Enters the ADV Scene - How’s That Going to Pan Out?

Harley-Davidson has announced the Pan America, an “adventure touring” motorcycle which is projected to be released in May, 2021. There’s been mixed reactions amongst the adventure motorcycle community, as Harley-Davidson has traditionally been known for big and loud bikes. We went to Harley-Davidson and to industry expert Tim Calhoun to get some of our biggest questions answered including what’s behind the thought process of the Harley-Davidson breaking in to the adventure motorcycle market with the new Pan America? What can we expect from this new adventure touring bike? Will the adventure motorcycling community embrace the Pan America and are we even willing to give it a chance?

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Chris Birch - Life Long Motorcycle Addict

When adventure motorcycles first started to show up on the scene, many top off-road riders were drawn to them, and although they found that they underperformed compared to the bikes they were used to, they worked to invent new skills and techniques to be able to efficiently ride these oversized bikes, so that they could be ride them like it appeared they should be ridden… off-road. Riding instructor, Chris Birch, or you may know him as the KTM 1190 guy, is one of those off-road riders.

Posted on April 30, 2020 and filed under Adventure Bike, Training, KTM.

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Rider Skills: How to Ride an Adventure Motorcycle Over Logs - Clinton Smout

If you spend much time riding unmaintained roads and trails in a forested area, then you are bound to find a tree laying across your track sometime. Riding a big adventure bike has some limitations for the average rider but by using a fairly simple method, you can ride over many of the trees you’ll encounter. On this episode of Adventure Rider Radio’s exclusive Rider Skills - Clinton Smout walks us through two methods, one for under six inch trees and one for over six inch trees, both fully doable with a little practice.

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Close to Home - Short Motorcycle Adventure Trips - Trevor Marc Hughes

Adventure travel doesn’t mean having to go abroad or to another country when adventure can be found much closer to home. Choose a theme - like a gold rush trail, quirky cafes or rivers - ride for discovery, and just enjoy exploring by motorcycle at a leisurely pace. And there’s also some great advantages to keeping your motorcycle trip short, including cost, less gear to pack, less planning, less paperwork and more. And for those that just don’t have the time to go on that big Round the World trip, a few days to a couple of weeks just might be the answer.

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Twist of a Broken Wrist - Heidi and David Winters

After saving for almost three years, in 2010 Heidi and David Winters left on a fifteen month long motorcycle trip, visiting 37 countries. On their KTM 640 Adventure, they rode 2-up, camping and couch surfing along the way. While on the trip, David broke his wrist. And that was part of what inspired Heidi and David to design a product that changed their lives. They also share some tips on packing light and more.

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Ruth Belcher: Global Moto Adventures | Trail Tech Voyager Pro GPS

Learning to ride at a young age, Ruth Belcher developed a huge passion for motorcycling. After giving it up to raise her family, she got back in to it again and founded Global Moto Adventures, an organization for women motorcycle riders. Fulfilling her passion for riding again, she now inspires and encourages women to follow their dreams of motorcycle riding and travel. — And there’s a new GPS unit that also functions as an interface for your motorcycle, ATV or UTV, and even more importantly lets you track your buddies on your screen, keeping riders safer. The Trail Tech Voyager Pro.

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Riding Motorcycles for Slower Travel | Tight Turning Made Easier

It’s commonly said that you need to slow down to see more while travelling, well how about speeding up to see more? After riding through Africa on her bicycle Helen Lloyd returned years later on a Yamaha XT225 and she says that motorcycle travel changed the way she experienced the same country. And on Rider Skills, we discuss a couple of methods that will help you turn your motorcycle around in a tight spot. 

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African Adventure & Tips on Getting Your Motorcycle in to Africa 

Daniel Rintz and Joey Flohr have recently completed a 3 year motorcycle adventure, and are putting together a film about their journeys, a sequel to Daniel’s first film “Somewhere Else Tomorrow”. In this episode, Daniel shares some great tips on making money on the road, travelling in Africa, and more. And Duncan Johnson from African Overlanders talks about getting your motorcycle in to Africa.

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Because I Can World Tour - Sherri Jo Wilkins

Sherri Jo was born in the United States and had always longed to travel the world. At a young age, she was bit by the travel bug and longed for adventure. After riding a motorcycle for many years in the United States, she decided to go on a solo motorcycle trip around the world. Starting out in Australia, she stayed on the road for more than three years. Great tips on solo travel and more.

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